October 15, 2016

Uno Custom Cards

Hey Everyone! I have not posted in a long time! Well have you heard of the card game UNO? Its really fun and easy.  Well anyway, my brother and I love this game and would like to liven it up a while with something called Uno Custom CardsToday i will tell you how you can make these custom cards. 

Gather Your Supplies:
Blank Sticky Labels (small, if they're large, its okay)
Scissors (If your labels are large)
UNO Cards-The custom cards we made were 2 of the custom card Take 2 Turns, and 1 draw 6 custom card, and the best of all, 1 draw 8 custom card.  You do not have to do these very custom cards but i will give instructions on how to make all of them.  You will need 2 2's, a 6, and an 8, one of each color in UNO-Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green. 
Pen or Pencil

Instructions for the Take 2 Turns Cards:
Take your two 2 cards and stick one label above the two in the middle, and one below it on each card.  Write on the top label of each "Take" and the bottom label of each "Turns" so the two falls in the middle, making the card say "Take 2 Turns"

Instructions for the Draw Cards:
Take your 6 and your 8 and stick a label above the 6 in the center of the card, and the 8 in the center of the card.  Write on each of these labels "Draw" the card will now say "Draw 6" or "Draw 8" Optional: Below the center number stick another label and write on it "Cards" so the cards say "Draw 6 Cards" and "Draw 8 Cards"

Another Kind of UNO custom card is a Half Wild.  To make that you can cover two of the colors on a wild with a label and you can only change the color to the colors that are not covered. 


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