Hey Everyone!! Today i am going to give you some reviews on some apps i use!
Pinterest is basically a website where you can go to other websites and Pin or Save pictures, quotes, anything, onto Boards, which are basically Pages, so you can refer back to them. If you can never seem to find a certain Recipe you found online, I recommend Pinterest. It's also a good way to share things with other people, and there is also Instant Messaging on Pinterest!
Skype Requires a Webcam A camera that comes installed on some computers, and you may have to purchase them for some. You can Video call using the Webcam, or Chat with the Instant Messaging. I very rarely video call with any of my friends, but still, it is a very good feature to have to keep in touch.
If you can never seem to write a paragraph without making errors, I highly recommend Grammarly. It's a free app that you can install. It points out things that are spelled wrong or Grammatically Incorrect and underlines Incorrect Grammar with a green line and misspelled words with a red line.
I know that Blogger is the very surface I am writing this on but if you have been looking to start a blog I highly recommend you to blogger. It's Free, Convenient, and Easy to Use.
I am pretty sure you all know that Google is a search engine. You simply go to google.com and type in anything you want to find, you type in Everything Imaginable! and it would come up with a link to this very blog! I also use Google for Maps and Mail.
Pandora, as you may know, is a music website. It is free, and you can make an account, and then make albums (groups) of your favorite songs. If you have been looking for somewhere to save your favorite songs, I highly Recommend Pandora.
Tidido is another Music Website. You can search any artist, album, or song, and listen to it! Tidido is also free, and you do not need an account.
I think that's all for now and i might be posting more things soon, so stay tuned! And remember! Next Tuesday, another Craft!
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