Hey Everyone! I know I already posted today and will post my DIY or Craft later, but I just had to post these two super easy snacks!
Gather your ingredients:
Marshmallow Fluff*
Graham Crackers
Chocolate Syrup
*If you can not find Marshmallow Fluff in your area, melt marshmallows in a saucepan, and then they will be warm too!
1. Break your graham crackers in half and spread your melted marshmallow or fluff on them.
2. Drizzle with Chocolate syrup and put two of your crackers together to make a sandwich. Enjoy!
Just one more!
Gather your Ingredients:
Melted Chocolate
Graham Crackers
1. Put a few marshmallows on a Smore Stick and coat in chocolate.
2. Roll in crushed graham cracker and put them in your refrigerator until you eat them or eat them right when you make them! Enjoy!
August 29, 2016
Psalm of the Day
Good Morning Everyone! Every day from now on, I will be posting a Psalm of the Day. Today I will be posting Psalm 1, Tomorrow Psalm 2, The next day Psalm 3, when we get to psalm 119, I will post it in sections since it is long.
Psalm 1
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
Psalm 1
Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;
2 but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
4 The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.
4 The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff that the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6 for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;
6 for the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
I will be posting my DIY or craft later today hopefully so check back later!
August 25, 2016
Back to School
Hi Everyone! It's that time of year when all of the kids and teachers go back to school. I start next week and am going into 6th grade and I can't tell you how excited I am! and I am NOT being sarcastic I can't wait to start! Yesterday I looked at all my books and now I am going to tell you all about them
This year Government is taking the place of History. The curriculum I am using is called Uncle Sam and You by Ray and Charlene Notgrass. It was published in 2012 and it is for grades 5-8.
Spelling and Vocabulary:
For years the curriculum my brother and I have used is Wordly Wise. It is easy and I like it. It comes in books for grades K-12. This series is written by Kenneth Hodkinson and Sandra Adams
Language Arts:
My next subject is Language Arts. The copyright date for this book is 2003.
This year I am doing biology. No dissections or anything like that, just basic things. The book is called Christian Kids Explore Biology I don't know the author or the copyright for this book.
My last subject is Arithmetic. I am doing Abeka Arithmetic 6. We have been doing Abeka math for years.
To all the students and teachers, you have to go back to school soon!
This year Government is taking the place of History. The curriculum I am using is called Uncle Sam and You by Ray and Charlene Notgrass. It was published in 2012 and it is for grades 5-8.
Spelling and Vocabulary:
For years the curriculum my brother and I have used is Wordly Wise. It is easy and I like it. It comes in books for grades K-12. This series is written by Kenneth Hodkinson and Sandra Adams
Language Arts:
My next subject is Language Arts. The copyright date for this book is 2003.
This year I am doing biology. No dissections or anything like that, just basic things. The book is called Christian Kids Explore Biology I don't know the author or the copyright for this book.
My last subject is Arithmetic. I am doing Abeka Arithmetic 6. We have been doing Abeka math for years.
To all the students and teachers, you have to go back to school soon!
August 22, 2016
DIY Notebook
Hey Everyone! Today I am going to show you how to make a DIY Notebook
Gather Everything you need:
1 piece of Paper The same Size as your notebook, any kind, Construction, Normal, Lined, etc.
Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Normal Pens and Pencils, Etc.
Glue of any Kind, I would not recommend using superglue, though, Haha
Step 1:
Take your notebook and your paper and make sure the paper is the same size as your notebook cover. If you are using Lined Paper, you may want to cut the holes off.
Step 2:
Take your paper and decorate it like you want it with your Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, etc.
Step 3:
Take your glue and spread it on the back of your piece of paper, the side you didn't decorate, and then carefully stick on the notebook. Make sure it is secure, and your done!
Gather Everything you need:
1 piece of Paper The same Size as your notebook, any kind, Construction, Normal, Lined, etc.
Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, Normal Pens and Pencils, Etc.
Glue of any Kind, I would not recommend using superglue, though, Haha
Step 1:
Take your notebook and your paper and make sure the paper is the same size as your notebook cover. If you are using Lined Paper, you may want to cut the holes off.
Step 2:
Take your paper and decorate it like you want it with your Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, etc.
Step 3:
Take your glue and spread it on the back of your piece of paper, the side you didn't decorate, and then carefully stick on the notebook. Make sure it is secure, and your done!
Blogging is FUN!
Hey Everyone!
I decided I would post today and tell you how much fun it is to be a blogger.
Blogging is Fun. You get to post things to the world, as well as personalize Gadgets, such as a list of other blogs you read. You can rename your blog anytime, invite new authors, change the background or template of your blog anytime, and there is a very wide variety of different templates, varying from the very simple solid color ones to the more detailed other kinds.
Well goodbye!
To all Bloggers: Happy Blogging!
To NonBloggers: I recommend starting a blog They're Fun!
To all my Blog Readers: Thank You for reading!
I decided I would post today and tell you how much fun it is to be a blogger.
Blogging is Fun. You get to post things to the world, as well as personalize Gadgets, such as a list of other blogs you read. You can rename your blog anytime, invite new authors, change the background or template of your blog anytime, and there is a very wide variety of different templates, varying from the very simple solid color ones to the more detailed other kinds.
Well goodbye!
To all Bloggers: Happy Blogging!
To NonBloggers: I recommend starting a blog They're Fun!
To all my Blog Readers: Thank You for reading!
Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let you know that i will be posting my weekly crafts or DIY on Mondays instead of Tuesdays. Today is Craft Day i suppose
August 3, 2016
App Reviews
Hey, Everyone! I am going to give reviews on some apps I use!
Hey Everyone!! Today i am going to give you some reviews on some apps i use!

Pinterest is basically a website where you can go to other websites and Pin or Save pictures, quotes, anything, onto Boards, which are basically Pages, so you can refer back to them. If you can never seem to find a certain Recipe you found online, I recommend Pinterest. It's also a good way to share things with other people, and there is also Instant Messaging on Pinterest!

Skype Requires a Webcam A camera that comes installed on some computers, and you may have to purchase them for some. You can Video call using the Webcam, or Chat with the Instant Messaging. I very rarely video call with any of my friends, but still, it is a very good feature to have to keep in touch.

If you can never seem to write a paragraph without making errors, I highly recommend Grammarly. It's a free app that you can install. It points out things that are spelled wrong or Grammatically Incorrect and underlines Incorrect Grammar with a green line and misspelled words with a red line.

I know that Blogger is the very surface I am writing this on but if you have been looking to start a blog I highly recommend you to blogger. It's Free, Convenient, and Easy to Use.

I am pretty sure you all know that Google is a search engine. You simply go to google.com and type in anything you want to find, you type in Everything Imaginable! and it would come up with a link to this very blog! I also use Google for Maps and Mail.

Pandora, as you may know, is a music website. It is free, and you can make an account, and then make albums (groups) of your favorite songs. If you have been looking for somewhere to save your favorite songs, I highly Recommend Pandora.

Tidido is another Music Website. You can search any artist, album, or song, and listen to it! Tidido is also free, and you do not need an account.
I think that's all for now and i might be posting more things soon, so stay tuned! And remember! Next Tuesday, another Craft!
Hey Everyone!! Today i am going to give you some reviews on some apps i use!
Pinterest is basically a website where you can go to other websites and Pin or Save pictures, quotes, anything, onto Boards, which are basically Pages, so you can refer back to them. If you can never seem to find a certain Recipe you found online, I recommend Pinterest. It's also a good way to share things with other people, and there is also Instant Messaging on Pinterest!
Skype Requires a Webcam A camera that comes installed on some computers, and you may have to purchase them for some. You can Video call using the Webcam, or Chat with the Instant Messaging. I very rarely video call with any of my friends, but still, it is a very good feature to have to keep in touch.
If you can never seem to write a paragraph without making errors, I highly recommend Grammarly. It's a free app that you can install. It points out things that are spelled wrong or Grammatically Incorrect and underlines Incorrect Grammar with a green line and misspelled words with a red line.
I know that Blogger is the very surface I am writing this on but if you have been looking to start a blog I highly recommend you to blogger. It's Free, Convenient, and Easy to Use.
I am pretty sure you all know that Google is a search engine. You simply go to google.com and type in anything you want to find, you type in Everything Imaginable! and it would come up with a link to this very blog! I also use Google for Maps and Mail.
Pandora, as you may know, is a music website. It is free, and you can make an account, and then make albums (groups) of your favorite songs. If you have been looking for somewhere to save your favorite songs, I highly Recommend Pandora.
Tidido is another Music Website. You can search any artist, album, or song, and listen to it! Tidido is also free, and you do not need an account.
I think that's all for now and i might be posting more things soon, so stay tuned! And remember! Next Tuesday, another Craft!
August 2, 2016
DIY Calender
Hey Everyone! Today i am going to tell you how to make a DIY Calender!
Gather Your Supplies:
Colored Pencils
Step 1:
Take your Ruler, Colored Pencils, and Paper, and Draw grids and label the dates. Leave room at the top of the page for the Days of the week and the month
Step 2:
Decorate it how you want and put on your wall or on your desk! You could put it in a sheet protector or something and have it a dry erase calender!
Gather Your Supplies:
Colored Pencils
Step 1:
Take your Ruler, Colored Pencils, and Paper, and Draw grids and label the dates. Leave room at the top of the page for the Days of the week and the month
Step 2:
Decorate it how you want and put on your wall or on your desk! You could put it in a sheet protector or something and have it a dry erase calender!
DIY Christmas Countdown
Hey Everyone! Today i am going to tell you how to make a DIY Christmas Countdown i know its only august but anyway.
Gather your Supplies:
Lots of Paper
Paper Clips
Step 1:
Take Your Paper and cut it into strips, i recommand using the ruler to measure the strips so they come out even.
Step 2:
Divide each strip into small squares but make sure you can write numbers on them! I will put a Christmas Countdown Website Recommendation at the bottom of the post.
Step 3:
Cut a piece of paper in half and stick a ruler in the middle. Before the ruler, write: Only. After the ruler write: Days until christmas. Take a paper clip and the right number strip and clip it to where your ruler was. Make sure to change it every day and enjoy!
Christmas Countdown Website Recommendation: xmasclock.com
Tells you how Many Days, Hours, Minutes, and Even SECONDS there are left until Christmas!
Gather your Supplies:
Lots of Paper
Paper Clips
Step 1:
Take Your Paper and cut it into strips, i recommand using the ruler to measure the strips so they come out even.
Step 2:
Divide each strip into small squares but make sure you can write numbers on them! I will put a Christmas Countdown Website Recommendation at the bottom of the post.
Step 3:
Cut a piece of paper in half and stick a ruler in the middle. Before the ruler, write: Only. After the ruler write: Days until christmas. Take a paper clip and the right number strip and clip it to where your ruler was. Make sure to change it every day and enjoy!
Christmas Countdown Website Recommendation: xmasclock.com
Tells you how Many Days, Hours, Minutes, and Even SECONDS there are left until Christmas!
Poll Closed
The Voting Poll has Closed
What is Your Favorite Sport?
Anything on Wii: 1 Vote
Soccer: 0 Votes
Basketball: 0 Votes
Baseball: 0 Votes
Tennis: 1 Vote
Archery: 0 Votes
Swimming: 0 Votes
Track: 0 Votes
Football: 0 Votes
Other: 0 Votes
What is Your Favorite Sport?
Anything on Wii: 1 Vote
Soccer: 0 Votes
Basketball: 0 Votes
Baseball: 0 Votes
Tennis: 1 Vote
Archery: 0 Votes
Swimming: 0 Votes
Track: 0 Votes
Football: 0 Votes
Other: 0 Votes
Hey Everyone i just want to give you an update!
I will be posting something Craft or DIY every Tuesday so stay tuned! I will be posting other things during the week and sometimes it may be more then one DIY thing a week.
Next Week Sneak Peek: DIY Christmas Countdown
I will be posting something Craft or DIY every Tuesday so stay tuned! I will be posting other things during the week and sometimes it may be more then one DIY thing a week.
Next Week Sneak Peek: DIY Christmas Countdown
DIY Penicl Case
Hey Everyone! Today i am going to tell you how to make a DIY PENCIL CASE!
This is not too complicated of a craftm don't worry
You Need:
Stapler and Staples
1 piece of Paper, Any Kind
Scissors or paper cutter
Things to Decorate with (Stickers, Yarn, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, ETC)
Step 1:
Take Your Paper and fold it in half like a card and cut on fold, or just cut without folding, but then it might be crooked.
Step 2:
Staple the two Halves with about 5 or 6 staples on the bottom, and 3 or 4 on each side.
Step 3:
Decorate however you want, you can color on it, Write on it, anything you want too! Now just fill it with Pens, Pencils, or Markers or whateever you need a place for, and i hope it works!
This is not too complicated of a craftm don't worry
You Need:
Stapler and Staples
1 piece of Paper, Any Kind
Scissors or paper cutter
Things to Decorate with (Stickers, Yarn, Markers, Crayons, Colored Pencils, ETC)
Step 1:
Take Your Paper and fold it in half like a card and cut on fold, or just cut without folding, but then it might be crooked.
Step 2:
Staple the two Halves with about 5 or 6 staples on the bottom, and 3 or 4 on each side.
Step 3:
Decorate however you want, you can color on it, Write on it, anything you want too! Now just fill it with Pens, Pencils, or Markers or whateever you need a place for, and i hope it works!
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