November 14, 2015

Easy Christmas Decoration in 3 Simple Steps

Hey Everyone, 
This is Sarah S. Again, and now i am going to tell you how to make an Easy Christmas Decoration 

Step 1 of 3
 Take a piece of paper and cut it into a shape of some sort. 

Step 2 of 3
 Next, take a few markers of your choice, and write in big letters, something like:

Merry Christmas!

 Step 3 of 3
Finally, take the decoration and decorate it, to like there are snowmen or other Christmas things outside.  

~Sarah S.



1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that I've never heard you mention this, especially since I'm your brother. I heard of the countdown chain countless times, but I've never heard of this one. Maybe I'll try it!
